Instead of being a source of joy and delight, opening God’s Word was an activity filled with guilt and failure. It paralyzed me and left me feeling less than for not having the amazing “quiet times” everyone else around me seemed to be having. They believe that just by nature of being a Christian, Bible study should come naturally – approaching the Bible as if they ought to be experts at what it contains.
If you find yourself scratching your head when it comes to time for Bible study, know that you are NOT alone. The Bible is filled with the spiritual nourishment our souls crave.
Here are 8 actions to take when you have no idea what to read:
Each time you sit down to study, ask the Spirit to open your eyes to see the truth from His Word (Psalm 119:18). Declare your need for His guidance (Psalm 25:4-5) and your desire for change (Psalm 51:10).
Getting a lay of the land will always help in our understanding of the finer details. The more you see each detail as a part of the whole, and the better you understand the big picture, the more it will all fit together in your mind over time.
A quick tip: Skim the headings before and after the passage you are reading. This may trigger memories of other passages you’ve studied or heard teachings on, and help you to see how the pieces fit together.
Two common ones are, “What does this passage mean to me?” and, “What am I supposed to do about it?” These are not necessarily wrong to ask, but they are not the best to ask first. After understanding the context, we can ask ourselves questions like, “What is true about God in this passage?” and “What is true about me, because of Jesus?” Over time, you’ll begin to see the answers to these questions before you even ask them.
This is essential to improving the quality of your Bible study – learning to ask the right questions.
This is why small group Bible studies are life-changing. Sharing our opinion on the word of God with others, helps us all to grow spiritually. When you have no idea what to think about a verse, chances are someone else in your group will. Seek opportunities within your local church to share ideas about the Bible with others. Invite a few friends to study and start a text, Facebook, or Voxer group to discuss what you learn each day.
We have at our disposal tons of free online resources – such as articles, podcasts, and e=books – that are all geared towards helping us understand the Bible and what it teaches.
Figure out what your next step is towards better Bible study, and then find a resource that will help equip you with what you need to move forward.
Over the years, I’ve received many emails and comments saying “the Bible is free,” suggesting that they shouldn’t have to pay for Bible-related products, but I disagree. I believe, that by investing in additional teachers of the word, you will deepen the depth and quality of your knowledge of God.
There have been plenty of instances in which my time spent meditating on the Bible just didn’t feel “worth it”.However, consistently reading and studying the Bible builds up a treasury of knowledge about God and leads to a lifetime of valuable time spent with Him. Over decades of study, I can now see how every page I’ve read forms a vital part of the firm foundation of His truth.
If we only take steps towards becoming a better “Bible-studier” in order to be perceived better in the eyes of others, our reward lies only in that brief, momentary recognition (see Matthew 6). The opening, enjoying, and applying of God’s Word is meant for us to encounter God, enjoy Him, and bear fruit as a result of becoming more like Him. God, turn our hearts toward your Word! Grant us a deeper hunger and thirst for the Bible.
“Read Your Bible, Pray Every Day
Read your Bible, pray every day
Pray every day, pray every day;
Read your Bible, pray every day,
And you will grow, grow, grow.
You will grow, grow, grow,
You will grow, grow, grow.
Read your Bible, pray every day,
And you will grow, grow, grow.
Don’t read your Bible and forget to pray
And forget to pray, and forget to pray;
Don’t read your Bible and forget to pray,
And you will shrink, shrink, shrink.
You will shrink, shrink, shrink,
You will shrink, shrink, shrink.
Don’t read your Bible and forget to pray,
And you will shrink, shrink, shrink.”