The Significance of Our Faith

Reading:  1 Peter 1:3-12

Peter helps us gain some insight into how to live an authentic Christ-centred faith in the midst of some difficult times. The question is not if we have faith, everyone has faith. Sooner or later the storms of life will begin to blow and then the question becomes will the anchor of faith hold. Peter gives us three reasons that it is important to anchor our faith in Christ.

First Reason

I. Timeless faith – 1:4-5

a) Faith in Christ is imperishable

Jesus says that we are to put treasures in heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy or the thief steals. Moths could destroy the suits in a short time, but she tries to make them imperishable. If our faith is set upon the things of this world, then our faith will perish. Our faith is to be set in heaven, and not on the things of this world. That is the only way that we know our faith is imperishable. 1 Peter 1:4

b) Our faith will be uncorrupted

You have no doubt heard the phrase, absolute power corrupts absolutely. But Christ has no sin, and our faith is in the power of God.
God has absolute power, but it is uncorrupted. There is no pride or ego in the power of Christ. In the scope of eternity, Jesus is the only person who has absolute power, but not only that, He is also the only person for whom absolute power has not corrupted, even a little bit.
Our faith can only be incorruptible when it is placed in Christ.

I know of lots of people who are fad people. They jump on the latest trend or idea, and about six months or a year down the road, they jump on something new. Pull out your years’ books. Look at the hair styles the clothes you wore, and the tone of the culture. How much have things changed in the last 20 or 30 years?